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News & Updates

Maplytics: The first Geolocation Solution Certified by Microsoft AppSource

In a major win, Maplytics, the application that integrates maps with Dynamics 365, has secured the prestigious "Solution Partner with Certified Software" designation on Microsoft AppSource. This achievement makes Maplytics the first geolocation solution to receive this certification, signifying its quality and adherence to Microsoft's standards. The certification enhances customer trust in Maplytics within Dynamics 365 and grants benefits like increased discoverability within the Microsoft marketplace and access to marketing resources.

New Release: TextSMS4Dynamics

Skip your email communication struggles! It's time to switch to a smarter and more personal approach. Introducing TextSMS4Dynamics, your game-changer SMS messaging integration for Dynamics 365 CRM. Effortlessly send and receive texts within your CRM. TextSMS4Dynamics Features - Seamless Integration: Forget switching between platforms send SMS directly to your CRM. Instant Connections: Reach customers on their preferred channel for higher open rates and quick delivery. Automation Messaging: Set up triggered messages and freeing you to focus on relationships. No more missed opportunities: Get notifications for incoming messages and access complete message history. Engaging Communication: Liven up your conversations with emojis and images, adding a personal touch that builds trust.

Attach2Dynamics Winter Release: New Features to Enhance Your CRM Integration

Attach2Dynamics welcomes winter with some warm and comforting features to improve your Attach2Dynamics integration to CRM. Attach2Dynamics can now migrate your email body content to SharePoint or any cloud storage option, freeing up valuable CRM storage space. The latest release lets you customize the text of document links to your desired preference. With Attach2Dynamics UI in CRM, you can now move files within folders to maintain a well-structured data hierarchy. This feature streamlines data organization and retrieval. Attach2Dynamics now also supports uploading single files up to 1.5 GB in size.

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What Our Clients Say....

…No slow downs, glitches, errors to report. While I was doing the trial evaluation, I reached out with some enhancement requests to integrate exactly to my company's business process, and Sam and the Inogic team have continued to go above and beyond…

Ryan Wells

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