
Replicate Dynamics 365 Security to SharePoint

Sync Security Privileges in Dynamics 365 CRM using SharePoint Security Sync

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What's SharePoint Security Sync?

SharePoint Security Sync app is an app that simplifies your document security. This app automatically syncs Dynamics 365 CRM privileges with SharePoint, ensuring that user permissions and access controls are always aligned across both platforms. By automating the process, it creates the custom document library, eliminates manual updates, keeps your security settings consistent, and protects your data from unauthorized access. With SharePoint Security Sync, you save time, reduce errors, optimize storage needs, and maintain a unified security model for enhanced document protection.

Recent Updates

Allows users to create and manage a tailored folder structure within SharePoint, enabling organized storage that fits specific needs and preferences.

Automatically displays the authenticated CRM user’s name in the “Modified By” column for folder and document actions, ensuring confidentiality.

File versioning allows users to keep a record of all changes, making it easy to access, restore, or compare earlier versions of the file when needed.

Users can share public links or restrict link sharing by allowing it to send specific intended recipients.

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