Category Archives: AI Builder

Custom Document Validation using AI Builder within Power Pages

Power Pages is a component of Microsoft’s Power Platform, designed to enable users to build, manage, and host modern, secure, and responsive business websites with minimal coding. It integrates seamlessly with other Power Platform tools like Power Automate, Power Apps, and Microsoft Dataverse, providing a comprehensive suite for developing and deploying business solutions. Let’s consider… Read More »

How to get formula suggestions from AI by simply providing the expression in Dynamics 365 CRM

Dynamics 365 CRM has introduced a new datatype Formula to explore more on adding a Power Fx formula column into Dataverse. You can follow the blog recently added. In addition to that Dynamics 365 CRM has come up with a new feature Get Formula suggestion (Preview) where users can easily get the formula by just… Read More »

Incorporating Start and wait for an approval of text action for the AI generated response

In the previous blog we have already explored the AI prompt integration with Power Automate using the “Create text with GPT using a prompt” action, At that time while designing the Power Automate we didn’t add any Approval process where humans could review the AI-generated response. Human review through the approval process is important and recommended… Read More »

Document Automation with Forms Processing model using AI Builder Connector in Power Automate Flows

Introduction In our earlier article, we explored the reference app released by Microsoft for Document Automation using the Form Processing model of AI Builder. The app that is a ready-to-use sample app demonstrates the process of reading the form submitted through email and extracting the data submitted in the form and presenting it to the… Read More »

Microsoft Document Automation Application using AI Builder Form Processing Model

Introduction Document Processing has been a tedious manual task for a while now. With the introduction of AI services, it is now a simplified and automated process in most organizations. Microsoft has been at the forefront of the democratization of AI through its AI Builder services. AI Builder a no/low code service helps citizen developers… Read More »

Leverage the potential of Text Translation AI model in Dynamics 365 Apps

Introduction Microsoft is continuously adding new Prebuilt AI models which are very easy to use. Currently, there are a few new prebuilt AI models that Microsoft recently introduced, two of them are: 1) Text Translation 2) Receipt Processing model. For Receipt Processing Model, you can check out our blog here. In this blog, we will… Read More »

Map My Relationships: Visualize Relationships between Dynamics 365 CRM Entities or Related Records in a Single View

After the prolific response we have been getting from everyone on our productivity apps for Dynamics 365 CRM and our recently concluded webinar series including sessions on visual tools like Kanban Board and Map My Relationships, we would like to express our warm gratitude to the Dynamics community on behalf of whole Inogic team. We… Read More »

Power Platform: How to Build AI Object Detector using Power Platform

Introduction In this AI Builder three-part blog series, first blog was about how to use AI Builder to extract Form document data and second blog highlighted the use of AI Builder Text classification model. Now in the third and final blog we will see how to build an AI Object Detector using Power Platform. Object… Read More »

Power Platform: How to use Text classification model of AI Builder

Introduction/Summary Emails, Web pages, social media, chat, survey responses, etc. are some of the channels through which customers communicate with a company or organization. The data or text messages coming through these channels are unstructured. Due to its unstructured nature it is difficult to extract insight like, whether the customer is happy or not, whether… Read More »