Use of “Close all Quotes” button to close all Quotes of opportunity in Dynamics 365 CRM

By | March 30, 2022


In this blog, we will see how to close all Quotes of individual opportunities by using the ‘Close all Quotes’ button which is situated on the ribbon bar of the Opportunity entity.


We have one Opportunity with multiple Quotes which are in ‘Draft’ status. Due to some product irrelevancy, we have lost the opportunity. So now we tried to Close the Opportunity as Lost but when we triggered the Close as Lost Opportunity option a validation message was triggered instead. The validation message we received is given below:

As per the above message, we have to close all the Quotes related to the current opportunity. To do this, we have to open each and every Quote of the current Opportunity record and individually close each of them by using the ‘Close as Lost’ option.

Close all Quotes button to close all Quotes of opportunity


In the recent release of Dynamics 365 CRM, they have provided solution for the problem described in the above scenario. A new button is added on the opportunity entity ribbon bar called ‘Close all Quotes’ as shown in the below screenshot:

Close all Quotes button to close all Quotes of opportunity

If we click on ‘Close all Quotes’ button, then all Quotes related to the current Opportunity gets closed as shown in the below screenshot. Also, when Quotes are closed, the status reason set as ‘Lost’ means Quotes are closed in the type of ‘Close as Lost’ option.

Close all Quotes button to close all Quotes of opportunity


In this way, by using ‘Close all Quotes’ we are able to close all Quotes related to individual opportunity in bulk with just one click.

Note: Currently, the ‘Close all Quotes’ button is available only on the Project Service App. 

