How automation of Lead and Case assignment in Dynamics 365 CRM using Round Robin or Capacity Algorithm can result in higher ROI

By | April 25, 2021

The key to sustain success in any organization is through maintaining deeper customer relationships. And it all starts with Leads. The Leads are pursued and turned to Opportunities and then eventually converted to Customers. You have to give your 100 percent, find out what the customer needs – their goals, preferences – and make sure you get it for them. This creates goodwill and results in a deeper relationship with the customers.

But when Leads are mismanaged, overlooked or assigned to sales rep without due diligence then the chances of getting a new customer and creating a good customer relationship becomes nil.

So, what can be done to avoid such situations?

This is where our Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation app comes in!

A Preferred app on Microsoft AppSource – Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation is a productivity app that allocates or distributes Leads (or any other entity records) recorded in Dynamics 365 CRM. In this way, you can ensure that all the incoming Leads are assigned to your team members systematically without manual intervention.

But how can this help you?

Assign Leads Automatically – No more manual work!

Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation gives you two options to assign Leads to your team members – Round Robin & Capacity Algorithm. Using Round Robin algorithm, you can evenly distribute the incoming Leads among your team members. Here, everyone will get their equal share of Leads. No more or no less.

But, with Capacity Algorithm you can distribute the incoming Leads recorded in Dynamics 365 CRM on the basis of individual capacity of each team member. Here, the experienced person will get more Leads and the rookie will get less Leads. And all this process will be automated. Now you can invest more time in other productive areas.

Set Sequence – Choose who gets the Lead first!

Another one of the features of Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation is that you can distribute the Leads to your team members in a sequence of your choice. The Leads will be assigned from lowest to highest sequence and will work for both Round Robin and Capacity algorithm. On the basis of work experience or availability or efficiency, you can choose to whom the Leads should be assigned first.

Transfer Leads – Divide, Delegate & Conquer

In some cases, managers tend to initially assign Leads to one sales rep or team for basic footwork. Once the initial groundwork is completed it is then assigned to another sales rep or team to pursue it further. This division and delegation of work helps to convert Leads into Customers at a faster rate. And now  with Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation app you can automate this process using workflows in Dynamics 365 CRM.

Who did it better?

After automating the process of allotting Leads, how will you know the status of assigned and pending Leads. This is where the Dashboards and Leader boards will help you. You can easily monitor how much Leads were assigned, to whom it was assigned, how much is left to be assigned and so on. This will also help you to assess individual performance of your team members.

Quite worthy app, isn’t it?

So, make use of this amazing app to cut short on your daily manual labor of assigning Leads and focus more on improving customer relationships. Because according to a survey, 46% of sales managers are of the opinion that deeper customer relationships are a key objective for sustaining success.

Give it a try now! Just go to our website or Microsoft AppSource and download this app for a trial period of 15 days.

Mail us at and lets us know your thoughts about this amazing app.

For the success of Leads and Cases it all starts with a properly monitored  User Adoption within Dynamics 365 CRM. Goal Tracking, Target Tracking, Data Quality…. user adoption is not just about tracking usage of Dynamics 365 CRM / Dataverse (PowerApps) anymore!
