Proximity Search within Dynamics 365 feature in Maplytics

By | February 18, 2014

Advanced Find, an awesome tool in the hands of users to query Dynamics 365 data using custom filters. This will help you look up all leads in a particular country or city. Great!

Sometimes though you may need to lookup a list of records by distance or proximity. You may want to run a marketing campaign targeting consumers within a particular radius from a given location. Dynamics CRM Advanced Find falls short for Geography-based search.

Using Maplytics you can search records within a given radius of a location.

Proximity Search

You can select the entities within which you would like to perform this search. Maplytics geo-codes the addresses of the entities and then locates the record based on their coordinates.

The search results are plotted on the map as pushpins and also displayed as a list for the users to review.

This search result can be saved as a View in Dynamics CRM using the Save as View option.

Once the View is saved, it can be used as the list for a marketing campaign.

With Maplytics it is really easy to perform geographic search on CRM data. This feature is available for all entities in Dynamics 365 that stores addresses including any custom entities that you may have created.

With the results being saved as Dynamics CRM Views, the learning curve is minimal. Once stored as a view, the users can perform any Dynamics CRM operation on this list of data.

To learn more about Maplytics or for a trial of this product reach us at or visit our website.