Tag Archives: Azure OpenAI Services

Power Automate teamed with Azure OpenAI Services to track conversations using Keywords!

Sarah, a bright-eyed sales associate at Peck Packaging, felt a familiar pang of frustration. A potential client, Miss Atkins, had mentioned budget concerns in their last email, but the details were buried amongst a sea of technical specifications. Sarah knew she needed to address this concern but had no time to skim through the entire… Read More »

Power Automate with Azure OpenAI Services to analyze Buyer Behaviour – an AI app by Inogic!

Azure OpenAI is a cloud-based service offered by Microsoft that provides access to advanced artificial intelligence models developed by OpenAI. It empowers developers to integrate these powerful models into their applications without requiring extensive expertise in AI development or infrastructure management. Inogic aims to transform the way businesses function by developing advanced AI-driven applications with… Read More »