
Visualize Your Dynamics 365 Relationships

Get a Mind Map View of Connections & Relationships in Dynamics 365 CRM using Map My Relationships

Delivered Happiness Globally!

What's Map My Relationships?

Map My Relationships is a visualization app designed to help you better understand and manage your Dynamics 365 CRM connections. It provides a visual representation of your CRM data in a simple chart, allowing you to view, edit, and create relationships seamlessly—all of which are saved directly within your CRM. With two intuitive controls—Relationship Control and Connection Control—you can visualize relationships between different entities and related records, and view connection records in a single, unified mind-map layout.

Recent Updates

Easily identify connection roles using colour legends in the relationship view.

Personalize views by adjusting label names in Relationship and Connection controls at various levels.

Filter and focus on specific relationships or connections by selecting a view from the dropdown menu.

Analyze relationships in a read-only grid format after selecting the desired entity node view.

Benefits of using Map My Relationships

Boosts CRM efficiency with a clear view of relationships simplifying activity management.

Enhance decision-making and CRM management by visualizing and controlling relationships for more efficient business strategies.

Map My Relationships

Simplifies CRM data analysis and reporting, reducing manual work and enabling teams to focus on high-value activities.

Boost sales performance by quickly identifying key opportunities, managing relationships, and closing deals faster.

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