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Enforce Sales Best Practices!

Standardize Sales Processes with Checklists in CRM!

Delivered Happiness Globally!

What's Business Process Checklist?

Businesses managing their sales processes using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM are always looking for opportunities to optimize the system to achieve greater consistency and efficiency in their processes. However, several factors, such as people’s unavailability, delayed or inappropriate actions, poor access to critical data, and non-compliance, can result in inconsistent sales processes and business outcomes. No wonder managers spend an inordinate amount of time manually advising their team personnel on the next steps and actions in line.

Recent Updates

Auto-display checklists/plans on record forms.

Display checklists on existing records.

Create a checklist for each Business Process Flow stages.

Benefits of using Business Process Checklist

Reps focus on selling with prioritized, auto-displayed tasks.